Extra tips for overall better mental health

Wait… did you really think 3 tips alone would be it for mental health? Well, it’s a start. These posts and the Your Self Series books are all about promoting mental health because they are all about you figuring out who you are.

As part of that amazing journey, here are a few things to consider along with a few things to ask yourself….

Become aware of your feelings and responses. Are you immediately thinking negative things about yourself? Do you get defensive and angry? How do you respond? Do your responses reverse the negativity of the situation or escalate it?

Be as objective as possible before jumping to conclusions. Did what they say or do seem reasonable to you? Did you do anything to provoke (meaning to antagonize or encourage) the person? Consider the other person’s perspective (meaning their point of view) when you are feeling attacked.

Be empathic.  Being empathic means considering another person’s thoughts and feelings before responding. Practicing empathy helps you to connect with other people and being connected to other people benefits your mental health. You can read all about empathy here.

Increase your resilience. Being resilient means being able to bounce back from tough situations. When you increase your resilience you feel stronger and more confident. Read about resilience here.

Get help when things feel overwhelming. Who are your go-to people?

Accept compliments! And maybe even repeat them to yourself! Some people focus on the negative aspects of who they are rather than the positive. Why is that????

Develop and stick to your moral code. When you are aware of your moral code you are more likely to make choices that are in line with them. When you don’t know what your morals are, you are likely to do things that you later regret: regret causes anxiety and interferes with your mental health.

Think positive thoughts! Are all those negative thoughts getting you down? Of course they are! You are the only one who can control that. Catch yourself when you put yourself down in your head and change it to a positive statement about yourself.

Know your boundaries. Huh? Boundaries are imaginary (and sometimes physically real) lines that tell others how much they can get away with with you. You will find a whole lot of information on boundaries in healthy relationships but if you want a quick break down, read on:

When you have weak boundaries you may say and feel something like:

“I told Gary that it was totally fine to kiss me anytime he wants to even if he has a girlfriend. But it’s really not okay with me, I just couldn’t say that to him and now I am totally freaked about it all”

When you have weak boundaries, people may take advantage of you and you then feel bad about yourself. This may even lead to you feeling insecure and taking things personally, and then acting in a maladaptive way – a not-so-good combination.

But when you have strong boundaries you may think, feel and say:

“I told Gary there is no way, no how, he is ever going to kiss me until I am ready. Plus, duh, he has a girlfriend and I just don’t cross that line.”

Having boundaries also shows people your character and is an aspect that builds your reputation and your sense of self…

Build up your sense of self. When you build your sense of self, you learn about who you are, you manage your emotions and you feel confident with your choices. If you want to read more about why we always blabber about the self, cruise the Bonus YSS Section next.

Post Question:

What’s your best tip for mental well-being?

Answer the post question here

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  • WLKHS2218
    Posted at 15:27h, 08 March Reply

    Find some sort of a creative outlet, or any sort of positive outlet that allows you to express yourself and immerse yourself in. For example, playing instruments or learning to play one, playing sports, singing, drawing, painting, dancing, writing, designing, etc.

  • WLKHS2219
    Posted at 15:26h, 08 March Reply

    My best tip for mental well being is to think positive thoughts like they stated in the article. I tend to think a lot of negative thoughts during my day so at times I like to reflect on that and realize I need to think happier because it tends to bring down my mood.

  • wlkhs2207
    Posted at 15:25h, 08 March Reply

    My best tip for mental well being is to always say how you feel about something, and to try and see the positive in everything. By staying positive, good things will always happen. The more positive you are the happier you will be, and you will attract people with your positive energy.

  • WLKHS 2208
    Posted at 15:24h, 08 March Reply

    For me, the best and most effective tip for one’s mental well-being would be to think nothing but positively. I believe that positive thoughts bring positive things to one’s life. So, stay uplifting and so will your actions. Your life will be for the better. Not to mention, people are influenced by the others around them, so the more positive you are the more likely the people around you will too.

  • WLKHS2216
    Posted at 15:23h, 08 March Reply

    My best tip would probably be to always strive to achieve and don’t lose sight of where you came from.

  • wlkhs2221
    Posted at 15:19h, 08 March Reply

    My best tip for mental being is that you get out what you put in.If you are really trying to fix your mental health and physical help you will make that difference.

  • WLKHS 2326
    Posted at 00:02h, 05 March Reply

    I believe the best tip for mental well-being is to always look at the positive. Even the worst of situations have a bright side. If you focus on the positive, you can learn from bad experiences and create more good experiences in your life. Being negative won’t get you anywhere, so you should always try to look on the bright side even though it may be difficult.

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