08 Sep Boyfriends / Girlfriends

Updated October, 2018.

Hey, Harrison. You look so deep in thought! What’s up?
Hi, Nicki. I’m thinking about asking someone out and I’m really nervous about it. I really like the person but I’m worried that person may not like me.

Boy do I know how you feel. Relationships can be messy and confusing and …
Really, really fun and exciting and….

Taylor! Are you eavesdropping again?
No. When people discuss love, it’s like a radar goes off in my brain and I just magically appear. Tell me everything, Harrison. I’m a pro at this.

How is it that you are a pro when your longest relationship only lasted three days? How do you even know what makes a great relationship or if you are even in one? How do you know when you are in love? What about kissing? Does that mean you are in a relationship?
Wow, Nicki. I think you have more questions than the two of us combined!

Yeah, I never really think about THAT stuff.
Do you? Most teens do have questions about relationships. They can be super fun, but they can also be scary when you’re not sure what to expect or don’t know what you want. That’s why this post will explore the basics of a solid relationship. Please see the overview at the top right of this page to read about:
The First Rule of Any Relationship
How Is Love Expressed? (Say It)
How Is Love Expressed? (Show It)
Bonus YSS: Getting More Physical
IMPORTANT!!! If you are in a relationship, make sure you check out the Healthy Relationships post. Reading the post is necessary for anyone who wants a healthy and happy relationship.
Posted at 16:24h, 08 NovemberUnfortunately, I am not currently in a relationship but if I was one word I would use to characterize it is loyalty. Loyalty plays a major role in relationships, and if you are not loyal to your partner than you are not in a strong, committed relationship. I would like my girlfriend to be loyal to me so we can eventually build trust.
Posted at 14:05h, 08 NovemberNo, I am not currently in a relationship, I used to be in one not to long ago and I want to have that back sometime soon.
WLKHS 1215
Posted at 17:27h, 07 NovemberNo. I would characterize it as a friendly relationship.