10 Sep 3 Tips for mental health

Updated June, 2018.

OMG! I just saw something on social media about a party that I wasn’t invited to. Do people hate me? Am I a bad person?
Whoa. Taylor, just because you weren’t invited, don’t take it personally.

Why not? It feels personal. My sister would do this kind of thing to me on purpose.
But you don’t know all the information. And maybe you’re sensitive to it because of the way your sister treated you.

Wow. That’s a lot to think about Nicki. I’d rather just tell the party thrower what a loser they are for not inviting me.
I’m not sure that’s the best response to this situation, Taylor.

One simple social media post can cause a lot of confusion and send us into a tailspin – feeling personally insulted, wanting to lash out and not really understanding why. This is especially true during the teen years when the brain is sending all sorts of social and emotional signals that can get crossed.
In less than a minute, Taylor hit on three common mistakes people make that often make them feel bad about who they are. First, she took the situation personally before she had any facts. Second, she let the situation hit a personal button for her. Third, her initial reaction was to do something we all know she would later regret.
This post is going to cover all those mistakes in detail because by steering clear of those mistakes you can steer clear of drama and really boost your mental health
This post covers Three Tips For Mental Health. In this section, you will read:
- Tip #1: Don’t take things personally
- A brief example to help you not take things personally
- Tip #2: Know your buttons
- Extra button example… if you want it
- Tip #3: Choose adaptive versus maladaptive responses
- Extra tips for overall better mental health
- Bonus YSS: The Self: a small quiz on why it matters…
- Bonus YSS: If you chose the first response
- Bonus YSS: If you chose the second response
- Bonus YSS: If you chose the third response
Awareness is the key to your mental health!!
Notice that all of the above topics require you to be more aware of what is happening inside and around you. Yep, that awareness thing just keeps coming up;)
Posted at 05:06h, 16 AprilTaylor is reminder of myself in this situation and how i would react. If i was not invited to a party and say all my close friends were i would take it very person and get upset and maybe even say something to the person who didn’t invite me. I now realize this would be not the right direction to go in and i should find out all the facts before doing anything irrational.
Posted at 22:55h, 26 MarchI can not remember the last time when I felt FOMO but I definitely felt it more in middle school.
Posted at 15:27h, 08 MarchNot really. I usually don’t care if I’m not invited or included in something because I realize that if I’m not invited to something like that then why would I want to be there.
Posted at 15:16h, 08 MarchOne time I felt that was when my brother got to go on vacation but i could’nt come.
Posted at 15:13h, 08 Marchyes, I confronted the people in the situations nicely
Posted at 15:08h, 08 MarchI have felt FOMO, but only a little bit. Someone told me that they couldn’t hang out because they were having family over but later on social media they were at a party, a party with people that definitely weren’t part of their family. However, I never felt like I had to lash back at them like Taylor did. I was able to shrug it off and not let it affect me that much.
Posted at 15:08h, 08 MarchYou shouldnt take things personally because you dont know all the details of the situation.