3 Tips for mental health

Updated June, 2018.

OMG! I just saw something on social media about a party that I wasn’t invited to. Do people hate me? Am I a bad person?

 Whoa. Taylor, just because you weren’t invited, don’t take it personally.

Why not? It feels personal. My sister would do this kind of thing to me on purpose.

But you don’t know all the information. And maybe you’re sensitive to it because of the way your sister treated you.

Wow. That’s a lot to think about Nicki. I’d rather just tell the party thrower what a loser they are for not inviting me.

 I’m not sure that’s the best response to this situation, Taylor.

One simple social media post can cause a lot of confusion and send us into a tailspin – feeling personally insulted, wanting to lash out and not really understanding why. This is especially true during the teen years when the brain is sending all sorts of social and emotional signals that can get crossed.

In less than a minute, Taylor hit on three common mistakes people make that often make them feel bad about who they are. First, she took the situation personally before she had any facts. Second, she let the situation hit a personal button for her. Third, her initial reaction was to do something we all know she would later regret.

This post is going to cover all those mistakes in detail because by steering clear of those mistakes you can steer clear of drama and really boost your mental health

This post covers Three Tips For Mental Health. In this section, you will read:

Awareness is the key to your mental health!!

Notice that all of the above topics require you to be more aware of what is happening inside and around you. Yep, that awareness thing just keeps coming up;)

Post Question:

Have you ever felt FOMO like Taylor? What happened?

Answer the post question here

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  • wlkhs2319
    Posted at 17:18h, 01 March Reply

    Yes i have before, When i was younger i thought that i wasn’t being invited to places my friends where going. But actually the reason i wasn’t being invited is because i didn’t have a phone yet. My friends had a group chat about what they wanted to do. Due to that i never knew what the plans where. But know that i have a phone communication with my friends is a lot easier.

  • WLKHS2320
    Posted at 17:17h, 01 March Reply

    I have felt FOMO like Taylor, My friends invited me to go to the local mall one day. Later that day I felt sick and was not allowed to go. My mom made me stay home and I watched their snapchat stories of them having fun.

  • WLKHS2305
    Posted at 17:16h, 01 March Reply

    No if I wasn’t invited to something it was probably for a good reason. Maybe later on I might ask what that reason was but its not a main priority.

  • WLKHS 2302
    Posted at 17:16h, 01 March Reply

    Yes, I have experienced FOMO before. I’ve moved around a lot and because of that I never really got to experience a steady friend group. After a while of depressive thoughts and self doubt, I honestly just stopped caring. It took a lot but after some time, it is easier to just focus on yourself.

  • wlkhs2322
    Posted at 17:15h, 01 March Reply

    I have felt fomo like Taylor in some previous times in my life. Sometimes when I am not home or if I don’t get invited to something I wish I was there.

  • 2308
    Posted at 17:15h, 01 March Reply

    Yes, I’ve seen my friend’s together on social media that I haven’t been invited to.

  • WLKHS2313
    Posted at 17:15h, 01 March Reply

    I have not felt FOMO like Taylor, although I have seen other kids experience FOMO, and they have had struggles with it, and it has causes them to change some things about themselves.

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