24 Feb Bonus YSS: Crush or be crushed?

Want to know if your crush likes you before putting your head on the chopping block of love? Grab a pen and paper and keep track of the number that corresponds to your answers below:
Does your crush know you?
- Yes – by first and last name and bus number.
- He/She knows my first name.
- He/She looked at me once, maybe twice.
- Doesn’t know I exist.
Does your crush look you in the eye?
- Stares at me constantly.
- Always makes eye contact but then looks away.
- I think so, sometimes, definitely when I had mayo on my face.
- Never. I’m not even on his/her radar screen.
Does your crush show up in unexpected places?
- OMG! Yes, so much it’s freaky.
- Not unexpected, but we definitely seem to cross paths regularly.
- No, but I will go searching.
- He/She is probably a hermit. I can’t ever find him/her.
When you talk to your crush:
- He/She smiles at me and we talk a lot.
- We don’t have long conversations, but they’re always nice.
- Talk? Conversations? Does “Hi” Count?
- Words? No need to ever speak.
Have you ever received an email, snapchat or text message from your crush?
- Yes, yes and yes, in multiples.
- A few. I have his/her addresses available.
- Getting a text?! Like that would be INSANE.
- Texting is for BF only.
Do you have common interests with your crush?
- Where do I start?
- A few, plus I like his/her clothes.
- Besides being interested in him/her? Isn’t that a common interest?
- Who likes common interests – they’re so common.
10 and under – Hot diggity Crush! Yours is the real deal.
11-15 – You’ve got a nice simmering pot of crush.
16-20 – You could use to turn up the burner a bit.
20 and over: The Crush soup is not even on the stove.
Post Question:
How did you do?
Answer the post question here
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