21 Mar Stress

Updated May, 2018.

Omg! I am freaking out!
Why Taylor? What’s wrong?

Like everything!!! Have you seen my hair today? And Julie has on the same shirt as I do (although it looks better on me) and I just chipped a nail!
Please tell me you are joking…

Joking? Why would I joke about chipping a nail? It’s dreadful. And I don’t have another shirt to wear and I can’t find my hair spray. I have to be in science in like 2 minutes, we have a test, and I am now just so stressed!
Oh!!! About the test. I get it.

No! Weren’t you listening? I don’t care about the test, it’s just that new hot guy is in my science class and I don’t want him to see me like this!
Many teens do stress about tests. Some, like Taylor, stress about other things. Lots of teens stress about their looks. Others stress about boyfriends and girlfriends. Others are stressed about making the sports team. Stress seems to be in the air teens breathe today, so before you take another deep breath, let’s explore what stress is, what causes it and what you can do about it.
Check out the following:
What Is Stress and What Causes It?
Your brain on stress – what’s the matter?
Stress on Your Body: What’s Happening?
How stress impacts your thoughts and feelings- and vise versa
Posted at 15:38h, 08 MarchI think that going to school and keeping your grades up causes the most stress for teens. working and taking care of the family causes the most stress for parents.
Posted at 15:36h, 08 MarchThe most amount of stress for teens is definitely time management. Including school work, sports, after school activity, friends, and time for yourself. The most amount of stress caused for parents is probably from parents being disappointed in their child and their decisions. Also, the parents always want their child to be happy and when they are not that is very stressful wen they can not fix it.
Posted at 15:34h, 08 MarchTeens can become stressed for many different things; this can include schoolwork, sports, friendships, relationships, family, and many more. Adults are similar, and can be stressed from work, their relationship with spouses, family, and kids, taking care of their homes, money, etc.
WLKHS 2110
Posted at 02:43h, 05 Marchstress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension that you cant control & you can feel like it makes you mad, angry, & even nervous in a way. I think stress is caused from a variety of things because people stress over many different things & everyone is different.
WLKHS 2309
Posted at 17:38h, 01 Marchi think that social life and school makes the most amount of stress for teens because teens want to have fun in their life but school makes it hard focusing on their grades. The most amount of stress for parents is making sure their kids are doing good things to be someone important in life in the future as being an adult