08 Sep Drugs In General

Updated September, 2018.

I know quite a few kids that are doing drugs, they don’t seem to care what they learn about it in school. They’re just going to keep doing it.
That’s just sad, since I know it’s bad stuff. Personally, I’m not interested.

They know it’s bad too, Steve. That’s my point. They know it, they learn it, but they don’t seem to care.
They’re dumb. Sorry to call them names, but that’s just plain stupid to keep doing drugs when they can mess up your life, especially your brain. I wouldn’t do drugs and sacrifice my athletic career.

They’re not dumb people, Harrison. That’s like people saying all jocks are dumb, which is a stereotype that just isn’t true either. But what is true is that teens do get involved with drugs and some of them continue despite being aware of the consequences. Some don’t even think there are consequences.
Exactly. And although we don’t have all the answers, Taylor, we’re very concerned, just like you. Some teens seem to believe that experimenting with drugs “is just part of growing up” and we just don’t believe that at all.
The following sub-posts have been created to help you explore just “why” people become involved with drugs and what some of the real risks and effects are.
Eduardo: how his brain was affected…
A few answers to the question “Why?”
Post Question:
What do you think is the main reason people (or you) do drugs?
Answer the post question here
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