Some common questions and resources

I am thinking of committing suicide, what do I do now?

If you are considering suicide, please tell someone. But, if you don’t feel like you have someone you can trust or who you feel will understand, please reach out to one of the many helpful resources here.

You can call the national suicide prevention number: 800-273-8255 (TALK)


You can TEXT 741741 (The Crisis Text Line) and someone will text you back who can help you with how you are feeling.

In addition, below are some wonderful resources to help you or a friend you know to find the help she needs.

For Parents:

I am worried about a friend – she has a lot of the warning signs, but I don’t know what to say or do. Do you have any advice?

Letting someone know that you care is a very powerful thing and could be just what your friend needs. If you can’t speak to your friend, try a trusted adult – one in your life of maybe one in your friend’s life.

If you feel like you need some support in order to speak up, please check out the websites and help-lines above; there are loads of people who would be happy to help you find the right words and actions.

If I know a family who has a child that committed suicide, what can I do?

Write them a letter. If you knew the child, tell them something about the child that you admire. In a word, connect. People heal when they feel connected. Plus, it will help your grief process to do something. You may also offer to bring over a meal, or mow the lawn, or walk their dog.


I am considered “different” in my school and even in my family, and I don’t know if I can take it anymore. What do I do?

Remember that different is a positive thing. You may not believe it now, as teens can be really tough (UNDERSTATEMENT!) and place a big emphasis (meaning importance) on being “normal.” But normal is not what makes the world an exciting place… difference does. All the game changers (people who have made a big difference in our lives) did something or were someone different. We hope that someday you will be able to find the beauty in your difference that we KNOW is there.

In the meantime however, you may need some help finding people that are like you so that you don’t feel so “disconnected” or “different”. Many clubs, groups, forums exist, both online and off, as a place where like-minded people can talk and connect. The way you feel you are different is actually the way A LOT of other teens feel they are different. It’s just challenging to connect with those people who will help you to feel better. Please keep in mind that many of these places have good intentions and truly help teens feel part of a bigger whole and not excluded or different. But some places are not good for your overall mental health (think about forums where gossip and anger are essential). Choose wisely as you cruise the Internet.

Post Question:

What do you want to say to someone who feels “different?”

Answer the post question here

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