05 Aug Having a boss – the traditional job route

Feeling like your own business is not the way to go? Too much responsibility? Or do you have an interest in something else? Do you want to work around other people? Know a friend who loves his job? For all of these reasons and many more, you may want to explore the traditional job route option (and traditional just means that you have a boss, it doesn’t mean traditional as in old school jobs like mowing lawns and working a cashier. New cool jobs like working for tech companies, fall into this category too).
Finding a traditional job will not only help you earn money but it will teach you valuable life skills like teamwork, being responsible and knowing how to solve problems. When looking for a job, you may want to consider a few factors like:
- How much does the job pay? You are trading your time and labor for money – how can you maximize that?
- Do you want some flexibility? You may still want some free time during your summer – do you want a full time or part time job?
- Do you want to gain experience in a certain area? If you know what your long term career interests are, can you seek a job in that area? If you don’t, what do you think you might like?
Once you have considered these factors, the sooner you start looking for a summer job the better. Employers appreciate being able to have their summer staff in place well before summer starts. This means that you are best to start your job search a couple of months before summer starts. How do you do that? Here are a few tips:
- Look in the local papers and on local websites for job openings. Employers who need summer help often let the world know by posting in the “help wanted” sections of papers and websites.
- Ask around. Word of mouth is an excellent way to find work. Let friends, parents, neighbors, teachers, etc., know that you are looking for work. Quite often you will find a few solid leads this way.
- If you obtain an interview, dress appropriately. You do not need to show up in a tuxedo or gown for a lifeguard position, but you may also not want to show up in dirty or tattered clothing. Like it or not, your employers will use your appearance to judge how suitable you are for a particular job. If you show up to a food handling job looking like you need a shower, your chances of landing it might take a severe hit.
- Have references ready for all interviews. Your employer will want some verification that you are what you say you are and interviewing other people about you is one of the best ways for them to do that. Check with people beforehand if you can use them as a reference and ask how best they would like to be contacted (or they might write you a letter to take with you).
- Be prepared for your interview. Do a little research on the company, ask other people who have worked there what is expected and know what your strengths are. You may be asked questions like, “Why do you want to work here?” or “What can you offer us as an employee?” Answers like “Uhhhh, because I’ll make money” and “Uhhhh, my great smile” might not show you off in the best light. Think about how to sell yourself. What are your strengths? Don’t be afraid to promote them.
Stuck for ideas on where to work? Check out the next post for a few suggestions (and then get creative and think of a few on your own!).
Post Question:
What is the best summer job you ever had? If you have not had one, what job do you think would be great?
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