07 Nov What is a period? (And we’re not talking this “.”)

A period usually lasts anywhere between 2-10 days.
Ovulation occurs somewhere between day 11 and day 21 of a cycle. Everyone is unique! A cycle begins the day you begin your period (so that would make that day, day 1!). So you would expect ovulation to occur 11-22 days AFTER the first day of your period (some people make the mistake and count the first day of their period cycle as the day their period stops). You are most fertile (most likely to get pregnant) around ovulation time, although you can get pregnant at any time in your cycle. And one last thing…
Keeping track of your cycle is generally a good idea.
From the time that you: get your period… it stops… you ovulate… the egg travels down the fallopian tube… leaves the uterus… and you get your period again, is approximately 4 weeks. But cycles vary by individual. Keeping track of your cycle, tells you how long your cycle generally tends to be (when you might want to go to school “prepared” and of course, that you are NOT pregnant!). You can keep track of your cycles on your good old fashioned calendar, or use a phone app… yes, they even make phone apps for that!
Don’t worry if you get your period once and not again for many months. That is common initially, and if your diet or body size or stress level changes dramatically, that can cause changes in your cycle as well. If you are worried about any irregularities, it’s always a good idea to pop on over to your doc.
Also, don’t be surprised if you have some physical symptoms with your period. Due to the hormones in your body that create the ovulation/menstruation cycle, you can end up will a whole host of different “happenings.” Some people get moody right before their period starts. Some women get bloated. Some women’s breasts get swollen and tender. Some women get cramps during their period. Or back pain. Sound fun? But there are over the counter medications that can help you if you do have these symptoms. Check with your parent or doctor if you think you might need some.
Post Question:
Now that you have read both sub posts on male and female reproductive systems, how much compassion do you now have for the other gender?
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