18 Sep Basic Hygiene

Updated January, 2019.

Did You Know? According to The Telegraph (London) in November of 2011, research showed that the average male spends 81 minutes a day on grooming while women spend 75 minutes. YES! MEN took longer showers, spent more time shaving and more time picking out an outfit! Who knew??
(full article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/8902503/Men-spend-more-time-getting-ready-than-women-research-shows.html)

Whoa! Obviously they didn’t get Taylor in that study!
Whoa, yourself! How many hair gels do you have, Harrison? And I always see you combing your hair.

Hey! That’s so not fair. I play football. I wear a helmet. I get helmet-head.
Some people groom A LOT. Some people groom too little.
No matter how much grooming you do, we’re here to cover the basics so you can avoid embarrassing moments like, “Where is that smell coming from?” And, “Is that dandruff or did I see something moving in your hair?” And even, “Uhhh, there’s some spinach in your teeth… which we ate yesterday.”
Personal hygiene is taking care of yourself so you are (relatively) germ-free (we all have some germs), so you don’t smell,
and so you look presentable and approachable.
Also called “grooming,” your personal hygiene habits keep you looking good, feeling good and contribute to your overall health.
So let’s get into the main grooming issues we all face.
We’ll start with the smelly ones first…
Joel Soto
Posted at 19:47h, 06 FebruaryNo I had to learn by myself
Posted at 16:02h, 04 FebruaryMy parents talked to me about it and it started happening about a year ago
Posted at 21:10h, 28 JanuaryThat men spend more time in the shower,more time picking an outfit and more time shaving in England
Posted at 19:06h, 28 JanuaryMy parents told me every thing I need to know to shower and keep my body clean.
Posted at 19:50h, 25 JanuaryMy mom has discussed personal hygiene with me. She taught me as I grow older I will get mature and my body will start changing and smelling so I take my personal hygiene serious because I want to be clean.
Edgardo Villanueva
Posted at 18:55h, 24 JanuaryNo my parents did not teach me this stuf.The only thing they tell me to do is clean my hands take a shower and put lotion on my legs face and arms