What is cyber-bullying?

 Cyber-bullying is harassment that happens online.

It is when one person targets another person using interactive technologies (source: www.stopcyberbullying.com).

Here is the definition according to StopCyberbullying.org:



“Cyberbullying’ is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies, or mobile phones.”

Examples of cyber-bullying are found below in bold followed by specific examples and clarifications:


Mean messages whether they are anonymous or signed: “I hate you. Everyone hates you.”

Gossip: “Sally is a loser. I heard she fooled around with five boys Friday.”

Pictures: Posted on someone’s social media page or sent via text.

Video: “Watch Kevin lose his tennis match.”

Creating a false webpage in someone else’s name: Posting negative and/or false material.

Sharing of another’s private information: Including passwords.

Sending 1000’s of texts: That qualifies as harassment.

Blocking you from game-sites: Another person signs in under your name and then acts inappropriately, thereby blocking you from future use.

Hacking into a person’s computer: Often using easily guessed-at passwords.

Cyber-bullying can happen in an email, a text message, a game, or on a social networking site. It can be direct or indirect by using other people to do the bullying. In the latter case, adults can even get involved (when an adult is involved, it is called cyber harassment). There was a case a few years ago of a young teen cyberbullying a neighbor and the parent of the teen became involved – the parent posted messages online to encourage the “victim” to kill himself. He did. Charges were pressed against both the teen and the parent. 

 What is cyber harassment? Basically, it is cyberbullying done by an adult. In most cases, the term cyber bullying refers to unsolicited communications or stalking activities between minors. The term cyber harassment is normally used when adults are involved.


Post Question:

How might a victim of cyber bullying feel?

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  • WLKHS1418
    Posted at 17:44h, 20 November Reply

    A victim of cyber bullying may feel stressed, targeted and worried because he is being taunted by one or many people at a time constantly and there is really no way to stop them. Also they could feel stressed knowing that they are risking seeing something horrible when they go online. Since it is not easy to avoid the internet in today’s world and since the internet is so open they could feel worried knowing that people could see what is going on and not help and possibly join in.