13 Sep What to do if you are the bystander

Being a bystander can feel pretty awful. You may hurt inside when you see someone else getting hurt; you may feel powerless to do something; and/or you may worry that you could be next. Recognize that you are in a tough situation but that you do have options. You CAN help the person being bullied. When you do this, you help everyone involved: the victim, the bully (he needs to get help) and your self.
What you can do if you witness someone getting bullied:
•Get help from an adult. Immediately.
•Do NOT join in the laughter, name calling or teasing. When you do this, you become part of the problem, not the solution.
•Do not watch a fight or brawl. Don’t be one of the “onlookers” – it only supports the bully’s actions. Get help.
•Support the victim. Talk with him. Walk with him. Let her know she is not alone.
•Invite people who get “left out” to join in your group. Don’t let people sit alone or be alone unless they tell you they want to be. DON’T assume that they are fine being alone.
•Tell the bullyto stop. Speak up against him/her. Let her know that you don’t agree with his/her actions.
•NEVER forward mean texts, or visit social websites/pages that spread negativity.
•Refrain from spreading gossip. Make sure that whatever you are saying ABOUT a person, you would be o.k. saying TO that person.
•Report all bullying incidents to school personnel.
According to the stopbullying.gov site, people who witness bullying:
•Have increased use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs
•Have increased mental health problems, including depression and anxiety
•Are more likely to miss or skip school
When you do something to stand up against bullying, you help protect yourself from the effects listed above.
Do something.
Stand up against bullying. You could save a life.
WLKHS 1409
Posted at 14:42h, 13 DecemberI haven’t seen anyone get bullied but if I did I would try to intervene.