Bonus YSS: Eating attitudes quiz

The EAT-26 has been reproduced with permission. Garner et al. (1982). The Eating Attitudes Test: Psychometric features and clinical correlates. Psychological Medicine, 12, 871-878.

Below is a modified version of the EAT-26 – the most widely used self report measure that can help determine if you need to seek further help.  If you want to take the test online with EAT-26 please visit their site:

In our version (which is slightly simplified), grab a pen and a piece of paper to keep track of your answers. Choose a response to the following statements.    We’ll help you tally your score at the end of the quiz so that you can help yourself maintain the right attitude about food.  

WARNING:  This is not a definitive test.  It will simply give you a general measure about your eating attitudes. If you have any questions or concerns about your eating, we strongly advise you to seek help from an adult or trained professional.

1. I am really scared about being overweight:

    •   Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

2. I find myself thinking about food:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

3. I constantly think about the calories and fat content of my food as I am worried that I may gain weight: 

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

4. I feel guilty after eating:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

5. I constantly think about my weight:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

6. Other people think I am too thin:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

7. I diet:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

8. I feel that other people pressure me to eat:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

9. I feel good about myself if I skip a meal:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

10. I exercise often to keep weight off, not so much because I enjoy it or I am training:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

11. I feel out of control when I am eating:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

12. I have certain eating rituals that I follow (i.e. no food before 10 o’clock, no sweets on Sundays etc.)

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

13. Losing weight, dieting and food are on my mind:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

14. I feel ashamed and disgusted after eating a meal: 

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

15. I feel like other people value me according to how I look:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

16. My eating habits are different than my friends and family:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

17. I get upset if I can not exercise as I am afraid I will gain weight:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

18. I use laxatives and diet pills to control my weight:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

19. I get irritated with people because they seem to be pushing me to eat:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

20. I tend to be a perfectionist:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

21. I restrict a lot of what I eat:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

22. It is important to me to be thinner than my friends:

    • ๏ Always
    • ๏ Often
    • ๏ Sometimes
    • ๏ Rarely
    • ๏ Never

Scoring:  Give yourself

1 point for every “always” answer

2 points for every “often” answer

3 points for “sometimes”

4 points for “rarely”

5 points “never”

40 points or less: You might have an eating disorder and we strongly advise that you should seek help.  Why not?

40- 60  points: You may have disordered eating patterns: patterns that may one day develop into an eating disorder or that will most likely jeopardize your happiness and health.  It’s a good idea to seek some guidance.

60 points and above: You are unlikely to have an eating disorder, but if you have any doubts or questions, seek out an adult that you can trust.  Whenever in doubt, look for help and advice from those you love and trust.

Post Question:

How do you feel about your score?

Answer the post question here

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