26 Nov Puberty

Updated December, 2018.

Did you just say the word “puberty?” Gross. Nah nah nah nah… I’m not listening!
Really Taylor? Why so negative? Puberty is just natural. We all go through it.

Not me!
Did you really just say that out loud? Of course you, Taylor. You, me, Steve, Harrison… everyone in the world goes through it…

Hey, leave me out of it! I am not exactly a puberty poster boy… yet.
It doesn’t matter where YOU are in the process, Steve. Knowing about what to expect makes the whole process so much less freaky and gross when it does happen. And it’s going to happen.

Just saying the word “puberty” does send many teens running for the hills. I mean, let’s face it, even the word itself sounds awkward! But awkward or not, it is something all teens face, so let’s get right to the facts….
Here is what you will cover in this section:
Posted at 11:08h, 04 AprilAwkward