What Would U Do: Alcohol 1

Question 1 of 3

You are at a restaurant and you order punch, but when it arrives it tastes funny and well, reallllly packs a punch. You think they served you the adult punch by accident. You would....

Whew... that was a close one.

Water's good.

Hmmm... what was in that drink?

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Question 2 of 3

Your dad arrives to pick you up from a party and he's talking kind of funny. When you get in the car, you notice his breath smells like alcohol. You would...


Is he? Will you be?

Awkward yes... potentially deadly? That too.

Tricky situation. Good to call for back-up... what if she doesn't answer? WWYDo?

Question 3 of 3

You know that your best friend has started to drink. Her dad and aunt are alcoholics - you've seen them drunk way too many times. You would...

Who needs the hassle - you think? But what about your friend?

He is your friend after all. Communication is good.

Think again about how they might respond....

Maybe there's something to this whole thing? Actually, more like addiction, tremors, poor cognitive functioning, death.

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