What Would U Do: Secrets

Question 1 of 3

There is someone in your class who you have had a crush on forever. Your best friend tells you that in class your crush whispered to someone that he/she has a crush on you too!! You would:

Glad you are so excited! That feels great! How will you feel if it wasn't true?

You have every reason to be cautious. Who are you going to trust to verify it?

Enjoying the game of telephone? Might make you feel s safe but might allow misunderstandings to happen.

That's a confident move on your part and we applaud that, but make sure you are prepared for a negative answer just in case the rumor wasn't true. What will you say if he/she looks at you and says, "Nope. Not interested."?

How many people are you inviting and where will it be? How will you decide on a date? Do you think your crush should have a say in it?

Secretive… How will you get the note to him/her? Will you sign your name?

Don't like to be disappointed do you? Be careful not to sell yourself short. When do you think you would feel comfortable taking the next step.

Question 2 of 3

You walk into school one day and everyone around you seems to be giving you weird looks. You finally make it to lunch period and everyone seems to either be staring at you, giggling with their friends about you, or whispering in each other’s ears. You would:

Seems like a solid plan. Will the teacher be able to help? Will they have time to question students individually? What if the teacher simply tells you not to worry, the weird looks and whispers won't last?

Yikes! Nothing wrong with expressing and voicing how you feel inside, but will this help the situation? Do you think everyone around you will warm up and tell you what's on their minds after being screamed at?

You must be quite the actor! But perhaps acting will leave you without answers and alone. Are you willing to let potential rumors continue? How long might it take for the silence to get the best of you?

Cool, calm and collected. Although, be careful who you choose to ask. What if they continue ignoring you? Or even get up and move seats? Will you keep your composure or will the silent treatment start to bother you?

Crying is healthy and understandable when you feel rejected. But first make sure that your tears don't add fuel to the fire. Would you go to the bathroom? A teacher's classroom? Call home? And most importantly: have tissues at the ready.

Bold! What's your first interview question? Will you target your friends first?

Question 3 of 3

Your best friend approaches you after school one day and asks if she can tell you something. You say, “Of course, you can tell me anything!” She begins to tell you how she found cigarettes in her older sister’s bedroom yesterday. She had been looking for a shirt that she had assumed her sister took by accident, and she ended up finding small bottles of alcohol and a pack of cigarettes in her sister’s drawer. Your friend starts tearing up and tells you she is worried about her older sister’s behavior but was scared to tattle and didn’t want it to seem like she had been snooping in her sister’s room. Your friend asks for your advice on what to do, you suggest that she:

Smart advice! What if her parents don't want to listen? Or accuse your friend of tattling? Or what if you get asked to come with and help tell the parents? Are you prepared to come forward and speak up as well?

Maybe the easiest solution, but is it the best? What if the incident gets repeated? Or what if your best friend starts getting depressed and losing focus in school because the concern and silence is too much to bear?

Sneaky! A creative and safe way to expose her behavior. But what if she knew it was your best friend and ends up ripping up all her clothes? Or runs and tells her parents something about your friend? Will that impact your friendship?

A brave and valiant option. This move takes guts. But what if your friend doesn't ask the right questions and ends up getting their sister angry? Will she act out even more? How will your friend feel if their sister gets herself into more trouble? What then?

If family dinners are already tense, this may make sense. How much worse could it get, right? But this may upset your friend's sister, and may give her a reason to continue her bad behavior. And your friend may get food thrown at them during dinner. Be prepared.

Although this restores the sister's privacy and right to make her own decisions, it may also be a cry for help that you're advising your friend to ignore. Could this make it worse? Is it better to intervene now or wait, even though waiting may let things get worse?

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