03 Mar Mindfulness exercises

To really reap the benefits of mindfulness, try using it as part of your daily routine. You can incorporate it into daily activities. For example, you can be mindful while you brush your teeth or wash your face – see below. Or you may want to schedule ten minutes specifically to concentrate on one of the other exercises below. Whatever works for you and gives you the best chance of consistently practicing mindfulness is the best route to take.
- While brushing teeth or washing face: Since you’ve done these things thousands of times you don’t need to think about them, but you can be mindful by closing your eyes and concentrating on them. For instance, when brushing your teeth feel the brush glide along your teeth. Taste the toothpaste. Feel the grip you have on your toothbrush. Don’t judge it as too tight or soft. Just notice the sensations. You may try taking a few deep breaths while you brush your teeth. Feel the air go deeply into your lungs and through your nose – it might be challenging to have it come through your mouth while keeping the toothpaste in!
- Next time you barge in the door at home and head to the kitchen to grab a snack, try settling in for a few minutes to really enjoy it. Whatever it is, sit down, stare at it and choose to take a while eating it. You are going to focus on every gesture, bite, swallow and feeling as you thoroughly enjoy your snack. Up for the challenge?
- When you are ready to go to bed, why not use mindfulness to help you fall asleep? Mind racing at night? This is a good way to calm it down. Simply focus on your breathing – your chest rising and falling. You may hear the sounds of it filtering through your nostrils and out again. Wait, does it sound different? Does it feel different? Just notice. Just be. And before you know it, you’ll be waking up to that annoying alarm again!
Don’t faint. It’s that simple!
WLKHS 2218
Posted at 19:40h, 13 MarchOf these exercises, I will try the one that you use when you go to sleep. I will try this one because I believe I definitely have an easier time getting to sleep when i’m calm and relaxed, so if this exercise helps calm me down and clear my mind, I think it would be beneficial.
Posted at 22:30h, 04 Marchthe exercise I would try at home is focusing on my breathing before bed. I think this exercise will help me calm down before going to sleep.
Posted at 12:52h, 04 MarchIt felt like I was almost asleep, and at a different place. And I was completely calm and the only thing that I felt was my breathing. And when I was finished it rushed me out of that state. But ultimately after that I felt calmer.
Posted at 01:56h, 04 MarchI have been trying the focus on what you are eating and personally it works but because I always have something to do it is hard to everyday consistently. Moreover, I am one of those people that can’t focus on their breathing when attempting to sleep it is something I have never mastered no matter how hard I attempt to.
WLKHS 2113
Posted at 02:16h, 03 Marchi always focus on my breathing before bed and it really helps me. it first, relaxes me and clams me down, and then it just helps me float effortlessly asleep
Posted at 16:30h, 02 MarchThe excerse that I tried is when Im eating i am going to try and focus more on the taste of the food so I can actually enjoy what i am eating, I am also going to try and collect my thoughts when I am trying to go to sleep so it is easier for me to go to sleep.
Posted at 16:29h, 02 Marcha mindfulness exercise i will do at home is do things slower instead of rushing my way through certain things. i feel like i already do some of these things so i guess now im just aware.