Mindfulness and your physical self

The benefits

Mindfulness improves endurance, reduces physical pain, reduces blood pressure, improves sleep, and improves other physical conditions like psoriasis and fibromyalgia.(Wondering what those are? Say them ten times fast and then google them – bottom line, you don’t want them.)

The mind body connection

When you work on your mind – your thoughts, that constant chatter! – you improve the body.

Your conscious mind is approximately 5% of your brain activity. These are your thoughts about the past, present and future of which you are AWARE. When you think, I’m going to miss this penalty kick, your conscious mind is driving that thought.

Your subconscious mind is 95% of your brain activity and includes all the activity outside of your awareness, like the beating or your heart, your response to a smell and the steps you take to walk to the bathroom. They all happen without much conscious thought. However, your conscious mind does impact and direct your subconscious. You think you might miss the penalty kick? Well, then Ok, the subconscious mind, because it deals with the here and now, will respond with missing the penalty kick. What your conscious mind thinks, you subconscious mind delivers.

Now you can see why your thoughts are so powerful. And those thoughts directly impact your physical self. Feeling super angry? Do you feel your heart race? Your blood pump through your veins? That’s your physical body responding to your thoughts and feelings. Have to make a speech in class and feel like you are going to throw up? That is your physical body responding to your thoughts and feelings. See your crush walking down the hallway and suddenly your cheeks feel hot and you start to shake a bit? Say, “Hello subconscious mind at work.” Your subconscious mind has responded to all the thoughts you have had about these situations. This is why making sure that our thoughts are positive and beneficial to us is so important, because our bodies will be impacted.  Over the long term, less stress and more positive thoughts help our bodies to stay healthy.

So, become aware of your thoughts. Make them beneficial and your body will thank you!

Post Question:

Name a time your body reacted to a situation. What did you feel?

Answer the post question here

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  • wlkhs2222
    Posted at 17:10h, 28 February Reply

    my body reacted kind of numb i just wanted to go to my room.

  • WLKHS2213
    Posted at 17:07h, 28 February Reply

    For soccer, we were competing for national final and were in the semis finals against the #1 rated team and i was super nervous, my body reacted because my knees were shaking

  • wlkhs2211
    Posted at 17:04h, 28 February Reply

    when i thought i heard gun shots my body like scanned where i was and all of my surroundings to make sure i will be safe

  • WLKHS2101
    Posted at 15:16h, 28 February Reply

    One time I was in a situation where I had to do something really difficult. I knew that it was difficult and told myself I could not do it . Because of that I was not able to do the difficult thing and it made me feel frustrated because I knew if I worked harder and believed in myself I would probably be able to do it and I help myself back.

  • WLKHS2110
    Posted at 15:13h, 28 February Reply

    When I shoot a basketball my mind tells me that I’m going to miss and I end up missing and I always get down on myself. I feel depressed because my mind thinks negatively about what is going to happen

  • Anonymous
    Posted at 15:12h, 28 February Reply

    A very scary time was when I was riding an unpredictable horse and my whole body stiffened and no matter what i tried to convince my mind that I was fine my body would just stay stiff. Honestly, I was terrified I did not know what the horse was planning to do and I tried my best to trust him, but I just couldn’t.

  • wlkhs2107
    Posted at 15:10h, 28 February Reply

    One time I was with a group of people who I liked but didn’t know very well and I was feeling shy and nervous. Then someone pointed it out to my that I was fidgeting with my hands and bracelets which I found out is something I do when I’m nervous and now I’m more aware of it. At first I was embarrased because I didn’t want them to know I was nervous but after that I realized that I was safe and everything was ok and now I’m good friends with all of them.

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