17 Sep Back to School

Updated December, 2018.
We could say “OMG” as well, listening to their concerns with all this going-back-to-school stuff, but stressing out about it won’t help anyone, right? (AS IF you don’t already know the negative effects on your mind, your body and your mood when you stress.) Your Self Series conducted a survey about returning to school. Teens from across the country responded and they let us know exactly what their concerns were. So, we’d like to share the top two stressors and give you some expert advice on how to navigate those seemingly stormy back-to-school conditions.
Here are the top two concerns:
First, the work! Teens like you are stressed about homework, the pressure, time demands, how to balance it all and more!
Second, the drama of the social world! Where to sit and when, with whom to hang out and why, when to flirt or stay friends, and what to do about peer pressure!
Here are some of the direct quotes we received regarding our first topic—the work:
“I hear middle school has a lot more homework than elementary school plus, I hear that if you don’t do well, it affects what classes you are in for high school.”
“What stresses me out is being able to get good grades and balance everything else.”
“Work. That’s what I think of… Long, time consuming work. I wish I could say that I’m not scared from the stories that ‘Oh, this class is like 3-4 hour of homework’ or ‘you have to study every night’, but I am.”
“Grades stress me out the most, I think about doing poorly on tests and projects.”
“I cram it all in at the end. It is really stressful to do it last minute like that.”
To address all of these concerns, here’s what this post will cover:
The brain science behind using a planner

OMG! I’m, like, so freaked out. School starts this week and I haven’t done any back-to-school shopping yet!!!
School is starting and you’re thinking about clothes? “OMG?” How about something a little more important like, Am I going to make the VARSITY football team?

Um… if I were going to define important as it relates to school, I might start with something like grades…
(Thinking:) What planet do these people live on??? When I think about going back to school I want to puke just thinking about all the social issues and having to try to blend into the walls to avoid them. Clothes? Sports? Grades? Try not being socially squashed!!! Now that’s something to freak out about!

Posted at 16:58h, 02 AprilAm I ready for this school year? Yes because it is almost done now and I think that I have done a decent job this year getting my stuff done. It also went by so fast and there has not been that much drama like last year. I also like all of my teachers so I didn’t get mad at them all the time, but this school year has been awesome.