What is the difference between stress and anxiety?

Recap: Thus far, you’ve learned that anxiety is a feeling of fear because you feel threatened in some capacity. It becomes a disorder when it is pervasive (meaning it continues for a long time) and it feels incapacitating in some way (meaning it restricts you from fully enjoying your life).

Here you will read about the difference between stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety are definitely related to each other. Stress is pressure on our minds and bodies caused by a specific event, called a stressor. It is a feeling of tension that makes you feel challenged, frustrated, or nervous: You have three tests on the same day and are stressed that you will not be able to prepare well enough. When the tests are over, the stress is over as well. Remove the stressor and you remove the stress.

Anxiety moves beyond just being stressed to having a deeper sense of worry. It is worry that has an impending (meaning about to happen) sense of doom about it. It often continues after the original worrisome event is over. For example, you are anxious that you are going to freeze on the test you have to take and keep thinking about what will happen if you freeze. You take the test but still worry during the test that you are going to freeze at any moment so it’s really hard to focus. Afterwards, you continue to worry that you have failed the test and feel doomed. Your mind thinks ahead to the next test you will have to take and how you will likely freeze on that test. Even though the stressor is over, anxiety continues.

In general, when you are stressed, you are able to deal – even though you may not feel 100% certain about it at the time. With anxiety, you feel a greater sense of unease and helplessness for a longer amount of time.

DID YOU KNOW?  Fear of things are called phobias and are categorized according to what the phobia is (fear of heights is acrophobia; fear of being in a place from which it is hard to escape, like in public, is called agoraphobia).

Curious as to how a person experiencing each of these might think? Read on for a quick example of the differences.

Post Question:

Do you relate more to feeling stressed or anxious?

Answer the post question here

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  • WLKHS1108
    Posted at 12:30h, 15 October Reply

    No I feel an equal amount of both

  • WLKHS1303
    Posted at 13:01h, 11 October Reply

    More Stressed

  • WLKHS1312
    Posted at 13:04h, 08 October Reply

    I feel more Anxious because when things cross my mind I tend to think if deeper things and the list will go on and on and as my heart starts beating faster I start to sweat, eventually I do something else to get my mind off of it

  • wlkhs1317
    Posted at 13:03h, 08 October Reply

    I don’t know i connect with both of them pretty well. Anxious is like when i go to play sports i feel that i am guaranteed to mess up and everyone will be mad and my coach will bench me for the rest of time. Stress would be more like school and making sure i get things done on time and done properly.

  • wlkhs1309
    Posted at 12:58h, 08 October Reply

    I defenlty feel more streeed then anxious because i dont tend to worry about things to much but some things to stress me out

  • WLKHS1302
    Posted at 12:58h, 08 October Reply

    I relate to feeling more stressed than anxious because I get over things quickly after like getting my grade back. I’ll be stressed about the test coming back but then I’ll get the grade and I won’t be as stressed.

  • WLKHS1308
    Posted at 12:57h, 08 October Reply

    I relate more to feeling stressed because I feel like now when I have big things coming up that makes me anxious it just makes me more stressed and I feel like I overthink it.

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