What Would U Do: Friendships

Question 1 of 5

Your best friend has been acting kind of “off” with you recently. She doesn’t text as often, definitely hasn’t called and has skipped out on you at lunch a couple of times. You would:

So when would you say something? Is the price of awkward ever less than the price of not saying something?

If you were your friend and something was really bothering you, would you want a friend to ask? Does being a good friend always mean staying silent?

Do you feel you will stick with your time limit? How long would it take you to say something?

Would that make you feel comfortable if you were in her shoes? Is she more or less likely to tell the truth in front of everyone?

How can you be sure she reads the text properly? What emoticons can you use?

What values did you use in reaching this decision?

Question 2 of 5

A new kid comes to school and is all of a sudden super popular with what seems like everyone, including your closest friend. You are starting to feel like you are not that close anymore. You would:

What would make you say something to a friend? What does make you feel close to someone?

We hear ya. Is there a way to say it and not seem jealous? What if you really are jealous? Is that a bad thing or a good thing?

How long is the time frame? When that time comes, how will you approach your friend?

How do you imagine that situation unfolding?

How are you able to ensure that he reads the text properly (as in concerned and not mad)?

What happens if he tells you your are imaging things? What happens if he says he is sorry? What do you see happening?

Question 3 of 5

Your friend just got a haircut and it looks like the barber may have been asleep while controlling the scissors. It’s pretty much the worst haircut you have ever seen and your friend is totally down about it. You would:

Sounds like you value compassion over truth in this instance. Is that always the case?

Sounds like you want to help, but do you think it will send the another message?

Sounds like you value a good joke but could this one backfire on your friendship?

Sounds like you value honesty over compassion in this instance. Can you think of a time when compassion wins out over honesty?

Sounds like you value honesty and compassion... would you really want to know?

Question 4 of 5

Your friend drinks at a party and it’s pretty obvious. He smells like beer and so when you get into the car, his parents (who are driving) turn around and say “Which one of you has been drinking? We can smell it.” You haven’t been drinking at all. You would:

What values are involved here? What values did you base your response on?

What values are involved here? What values did you base your response on?

What values are involved here? What values did you base your response on?

What values are involved here? What values did you base your response on?

What values are involved here? What values did you base your response on?

What values are involved here? What values did you base your response on?

Question 5 of 5

You’ve been friends with Josie since like forever. But recently she’s kind of been getting on your nerves and you just don’t want to hang out with her as much. She keeps asking you if something is wrong. You would:

About her getting on your nerves? Or just that you don't feel like hanging out as much? How will you say it?

Is that what you would want her to do if she were in your shoes?

And exactly what do you value in a friendship? How is it at play here?

How would you feel if you say pictures like that and you still wanted to be friends with someone? On what values did you base this response?

Answer the post question here

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