11 Dec What Would U Do: Designer Drugs Q & A
Question 1 of 1
You have to stay after school to complete the science homework you totally spaced doing. You are in your science room alone, as your teacher went to go get some water, and your pencil breaks. You check his desk to see if he has another one of a pencil sharpener. You find a whole punch of pink and blue little pills with smiley faces all over them. You would:
They may be cute but they may also be deadly. They could be ecstasy. They could not. Who knows? Are you willing to take that chance?
Are you feeling freaked out? We don't blame you! Will you do anything about it?
Are you prepared for his answer? What if he says, "Ecstasy. Please don't tell anyone or I will fail you?" What if he says, "I have no idea? let's try one?" What if he says, "Did you put them there?"
A solid option. They can certainly help you to navigate this tricky situation.
A solid option. Getting a trusted adult involved keeps you protected and may just be the help your teacher needs.
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