What Would U Do: Alcohol 2

Question 1 of 3

You are at a family reunion. It’s really boring. You are sitting by yourself at a table when you notice an open but unfinished beer your uncle left at the table. He has a fresh one in his hand. You would....

Saving the environment and any wayward kids! What was your uncle thinking?

Who knows? Maybe you should google it. What does make roses grow? You don't need to worry too much about it. Obviously, you are growing up.

Party is a little boring, eh? Well, at least you are occupied and making good choices.

Ohhhh... did you take the Alcohol Q&A?

This would not have been our choice. If you are under age 21, it's not legal for you to drink. And well, anything you have to hide, well maybe you ought to read the alcohol posts... again.

This would not have been our choice. If you are under age 21, it's not legal for you to drink. And well, anything you have to hide, well maybe you ought to read the alcohol posts... again.

Question 2 of 3

You are at a family reunion. It’s really boring. You and a bunch of your cousins are sitting at a table when your older cousin Jake notices an open but unfinished beer your uncle left at the table. (Your Uncle has a fresh one in his hand.) Jake grabs the beer and takes a sip, and then hands it to you to do the same. You would....

Really? Did you turn 21 yet? Have you read the alcohol posts? We get that images of drinking make it seem like fun, but just be aware, its against the law and if you get caught there could be legal ramifications for you and your parents.

Okay, well you didn't drink the whole thing, so that's a positive. But what kept you from saying, "No thanks" instead?

Ahh... you are so close. We get that you don't want to drink. But we have to ask, what will happen when someone gets caught and includes your name on the list of people that tried it?

Ahhh... good for taking a pass. Maybe next pass you won't need to qualify your solid decision with "not now."

Bravo. That takes a strong person.

A completely acceptable response.


Question 3 of 3

You have friends over. Your parents go out for dinner. Your friends go into the liquor cabinet. “Hey, let’s try this!,” one of them says, “It’s already open and no one will know.” You would...

Did you read all the alcohol posts? Just asking'.

Of cranberry and pineapple juice of course! Right?!!!!!! You would never offer an alcoholic cocktail given that you've read all about alcohol and done the Q&A, right?

Not very subtle are you?

Well, maybe you are just being very honest here. You may want to but you know that diving in will get you in deep trouble with your parents. Or maybe you don't want to dive in but you want to seem "cool" about it as if you would go along another time. We're glad you didn't do it but make sure you can stand strong on what you really believe with your friends.

In your house, or any where else, right? Good for you for speaking your mind. That can be really tough.

Wow. You are strong. That takes a solid sense of who you are and that you don't want negative influences around you.

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