11 Feb Cheating
Question 1 of 5
You are sitting for your final math test and notice that Calvin is using his calculator for even the simplest of questions. As you watch him, you realize it looks like he has downloaded the answers to the test onto his device. You would:
Who gets hurt in this situation? When you don't say or do anything who loses out? Hint: The answer is not " no one."
Cheater. Yes we said it.
How do you think your teacher will respond? What happens if she addresses Calvin right away?
How do you think your teacher will respond? What if Calvin erases the answers after leaving?
What if you get caught passing the note?
Question 2 of 5
You are dead tired. You have had a cold now for over a week. You had to run a track meet that you lost. Tomorrow you have a test and two papers due. One of the papers is for English, on a book you hardly understood. Your friend says not to worry, she took the class last year and is happy to give you her paper to copy, “Just change the title and a few words here and there and you will do fine,” she says. You would:
Cheater. Yes, we said it.
Question: Do you need to cite the paper you read?
No matter what you get on your paper, you get an A+ in honesty.
Still cheating. You okay with being a cheater?
Question 3 of 5
You are over at your friend’s house after school and you both are working on your horribly boring history homework. It’s like sticking needles in your eyes and then twisting them. Your teacher has not indicated that this is collaborative work. Your friend suggests that you do the first five questions and she will do the last, then you guys can copy each other’s answers. You would:
Cheater. Yes, we said it.
Together as in collaboratively or together as in whoever gets the answer first shout it out and we all write the same thing down?
You spoke your truth. That's some pretty strong morals.
You did the work you self and then got a little group time in… might have been tough, but how does it feel?
That works.
Question 4 of 5
A few of your friends cheated on the science test. You didn’t. You still got the best grade in the class. You would.
Does that make you part of the cheating? Who got hurt here?
Trying to shift the culture? What happens if they continue to cheat on the next test?
That's a bold move and probably hard to do but you are telling them that cheating is not okay with you. What would the world be like if everyone did that?
Do you think they would? What if they don't?
Do you think your teacher will be careful about keeping your name a secret? Do you want her to?
Question 5 of 5
A few of your friends cheated on the science test. You didn’t. You didn’t do very well and everyone who cheated got a better grade. You would.
Does that make you part of the cheating? Who got hurt here? Is this the same answer you gave above?
Trying to shift the culture? What happens if they continue to cheat on the next test? Is this the same answer you gave above? Why of why not?
That's a bold move and probably hard to do but you are telling them that cheating is not okay with you. What would the world be like if everyone did that? Is this the same answer you gave to the previous question? Why of why not?
Do you think they would? What if they don't? Is this the same answer you gave to the previous question? Why of why not?
Do you think your teacher will be careful about keeping your name a secret? Do you want her to? Is this the same answer you gave to the previous question? Why of why not?
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