16 Sep Genital HPV: protect your self

“Warts are not just from frogs”
Genital HPV is an STI that is caused by the human papilloma-virus (HPV).
Some types of HPV cause genital warts (low risk types) and some types cause cancer (high risk types).
The warts can be removed and are not an indication that you have cancer—but you do need to see your doctor as you can be infected with more than one strain of HPV at a time. Seeing your doctor and getting pap smears (for women) is CRITICAL. There is no cure for HPV. But there is prevention….
(Read more: http://cancer.about.com/od/hpv/a/hpvtreatment.htm)
Because half the men and women who are sexually active will get genital HPV infection at some point in their lives, it is important to be safe and learn how to protect yourself.

DID YOU KNOW? A vaccine is available that can protect you from the four types of HPV that cause most cervical cancers and genital warts! It is for both males and females.
(Source: https://www.cdc.gov/hpv/parents/hpv-for-boys-and-girls/index.html)
No, no, no. Do not merely skip over this part. Seriously, there is a vaccine that ultimately saves lives. Talk to your parents and your doctor about it immediately. And, as a side note, as much as condoms are highly recommended in preventing all STIs, condoms do not fully protect against HPV as they leave much skin surface exposed that can carry and transmit the virus. Besides a vaccine, the only sure way to avoid HPV is to not be involved in sexual activities.

DID YOU KNOW? In 2019 it is estimated that about 13,000 women will be diagnosed with cervical cancer. Almost all of these cancers are HPV related.
(Sources: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cervical-cancer/about/key-statistics.html and

More tips to help you: HPV likes the wet, warm environment of the mucus membranes surrounding the genital area in women. So, if you have warts on your fingers and you’ve been picking at them, you may spread them to your own genital region or someone else’s. Be smart and use common sense. Don’t have people touching your privates unless you are sure their hands are clean and virus-free. And if you have warts on your hands, see a doctor about getting them removed.
Post Question:
Did you know about the vaccine for HPV? Would you consider asking for it? Why or why not?
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